Moslem/Muslim in Phetcabhuri (Thailand) !!!

I have just come to Phetcabhuri to do my project, the reason why am I here. I'm going to do an observation and teaching the students here underneath the SEAMEO project, SEA-Teacher project, it seems like students exchange between Indonesia, Thailand, and Phillipine. I will be in Thailand for a month.

From the first time I came here, everyone has given me a warm welcome. I met a lot of Thai Muslim, they just as warm and as nice as other people. In the fisrt day, when I haven't on my room yet, because it is not ready to use, my muslim friends let me use their room to put my stuffs. They are coming form Patani, an area where 80% of the villagers are moslem, they also can talk in Malay who has a quite similar root of language with Indonesia.

In the other time, I have written it on my blog that I'm going to Cha-Am beach, and we met Myanmar Moslem who sell a kind of snack and bought us a cup of coffee. When we said that they don't need to do that, he said that "Don't worry, we are brothers.", and I'm just like... melted to hear that. They were so kind to us because we are moslem ! How beauty world is.


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